Monday, May 7, 2012

Holy Hairlines, Batman!!!!!!!

Holy Hairline! I haven't seen a hairline this high on a waman in a long long time. Not sure what to think about it. It certainly doesn't make her more's kind of like when someone has a mole on their face: it's mroe distracitng gor your eye to NOT look at it, than it makes them ugly or beautiful.       Combine the foreheads of these two.....their children? my oh my..Silly Apes!
   This lady, Teresa Giudice, has the oppostie hairline problem. It is way way way too low given the wide spacing of her downturned eyes. It imparts a cavemannish appearance, very unflattering. And what is she famous for, anyway? Fucking a notorious criminal? How does she explain that to her children? : "So I was never going to be very smart and I knew it, so my best bet seemed to be to fuck someone who could extort money from others, and pop out babies for him so he would be obligated to share some of his cirme money with me!"   What about the victims and the families of the victims that were ruined or dmaged in order to create her lifestyle? What a sick world that people watch this woman on shows that make no mention of this!!!! Sickly APES!!

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