Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dumb Bitches: Terrell Owens' Babies' Mamas

 This kind of stuff sickens me .
Was watching Dr. Phil the other day and Terrell had three women on there who were all complaining that he didn't spend enough time with his children, that he wasn't a real dad.
Now, I"m not a fan of Dr. Phil. He doesn' really give the "straight talk" he brags about doing, and never makes people face their very obvious and difficult issues. How anyone can walk away feeling helped by this man is beyond me, and besides my point.
  The three baby mammas on his show were such idiotic and self-righteous bitches that it wasn't even funny, entertaining or even a good learning experience. These three different women presented themselves as mature and responsible women who were doing the right motherly thing, doing everything right in raising their kid, but were only missing the fatherly component in their childs' life.
   These women bashed Terrell Owens and had the nerve to call him a bad father. I've noticed this on nearly every single talk show there is, even Teen Mom: women who don't have much going for themselves, getting pregnant by a boyfriend they barely know, and then putting the onus on the man to make everything better.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
 Basically, these women have babies so they can hide behind the task of "being a mom" in order not to do anything for themselves or with their lives, and then when they are old and fat, want to pretend that they just want and have always wanted a family and a normal life. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR AT ALL!

One of the baby mama's was so ugly and fat I couldn't even believe it. Her child was just a few years old which means that she went downhilll REAL quick to be looking the way she did. I'm struggling to pay my bills, and yet a woman who is that ugly can walk down the street and snag a man who's lifetime earnings total nearly $70million??? seriously? She got pregnant 2 months  after being with him after he had left another woman who was already 2 months pregnant. Now, what does that say about her and really wanting a good father for her child????
 First of all, nasty, second of all, you can't get pregnant  by someone that quickly and claim that  you weren't trying to be a golddigger.
Ladies, stop being such dipshits!! We see right through you! The truth is, if you really wanted a "family" as you now claim now that you are old and washed up, YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A REAL COMMITTMENT FROM THE MAN BEFORE HAVING HIS KIDS!!!!!!!!! LIVING TOGETHER DOESN"T COUNT!!!  DAMN, I don't understand what is so hard about that. If you want to fool around and fuck around without protection, and think it's easy to raise a kid on your own, go right ahead. (PS, the number one killer of black women in this country ages 18-35 is HIV/AIDS, just a thought.....)

 BUT, when the going gets rough, when you get old and your partying ways are gone, and you're jsut a little too tired and saggy to get any attention when you go out to the clubs, you don't get to go crying to the world about how you just want a happy life and family for your should have been thinking about that all along and more importantly, PLANNING FOR IT.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tami Roman: Angry, Bitter, Immature

Big hair? Check.
Clownish Make-up? Check.
An out of shape body desperate in need of toning? Check.
Mistaken identity..appearing like a drag queen? Check.
The list of things to dislike about the cast of "Basketball Wives" could go on and on, but is best summed up in one castmate in articular: Tami Roman.
Producers knew they hit gold when they found her: she's an angry and bitter black woman  ready to tell others how they should look and act at the drop of the hat, while remaining fat, flabby and rude, herself. It's never surprising that the women she directs most of her anger to on the show (Kesha) are generally far more attractive, toned, and polite than she is.
    I've encountered Tami's kind before. They constantly want to tell others how to "come correct" and approach them properly while their lives and their own attitudes towards others remains a mess. Hypocrisy like this is never addressed to their faces, so they go through life with a self-righteous chip on their shoulders thinking that it's them against the world,  when really, they are just bitches who make the world a worse and more confrontational place. They enlarge their problems and instead of owning them, they'll use the following ignorant and immature excuses," that's just how things are where I'm from", "that's just how all black women are", etc., makes me sick....
     Not only is the obvious hypocritical attitude in these women never addressed, but their obvious misplaced anger is never addressed, either.  Tami acknowledges that she has anger management issues and is "dealing" with them, that she was sexually violated in the past, etc. and so has a lot of anger. Well done. Acknowledgement. It's a first step, but she needs to go and confront those demons head on, travel back in to her past and confront that shit, cuss out a few uncles or cousins, or whoever violated her, let them see what an overprotective, emotionally unavailable and bitchy person she's turned out to be in part because of how they violated her. It's like if you ask somoene "Where's a pencil?" and they pull a knife out on you. It would be obvious to all parties involved, except for the crazy knife-pulling one, that the response to the question that had been asked was not only inappropriate and categorically wrong, but exaggerated to an unwarranted degree....basically, it would be obivous that the person who had pulled the knife was in dire need of psychological help, given their  attitude towards such a question. Such is out out of control Tami. Silly ape. Hopefully her daughters are learning from her what kind of woman not to be. Yeah, I understand she's probably getting a hefty paycheck for her role on the show, but who would want most of the memorable footage left behind for your daughters and the future to see, be comprised of you acting like a bitch and blaming the world for your actions?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Holy Hairlines, Batman!!!!!!!

Holy Hairline! I haven't seen a hairline this high on a waman in a long long time. Not sure what to think about it. It certainly doesn't make her more's kind of like when someone has a mole on their face: it's mroe distracitng gor your eye to NOT look at it, than it makes them ugly or beautiful.       Combine the foreheads of these two.....their children? my oh my..Silly Apes!
   This lady, Teresa Giudice, has the oppostie hairline problem. It is way way way too low given the wide spacing of her downturned eyes. It imparts a cavemannish appearance, very unflattering. And what is she famous for, anyway? Fucking a notorious criminal? How does she explain that to her children? : "So I was never going to be very smart and I knew it, so my best bet seemed to be to fuck someone who could extort money from others, and pop out babies for him so he would be obligated to share some of his cirme money with me!"   What about the victims and the families of the victims that were ruined or dmaged in order to create her lifestyle? What a sick world that people watch this woman on shows that make no mention of this!!!! Sickly APES!!

Rachel Reilly Surgery choices for girls who aren't that pretty PLUS when smart men like chubby women

I know. I know I can't be the only one thinking it, but I'm usually the only one to say what everyone else is thinking, hence most of the reason for this blog. Nothing against the girl personally, but it's what I see every time I look at her, ESPECIALLY when she really goes for all the attention and starts crying. She's got that borderline chubby thing going which is only going to get 10 times worse should she ever decide to have children, she's one of those mindless munchers that doesn't realize when they are full. She will get the "mommy makeover" tummy tuck/cesarian with giving birth, or will have to do so shortly after, there will simply be too much saggy skin and loose skin after such an ordeal when there's probably already too much now. Ladies, come on,
the elasticity of your skin is only good for about 25% of your life, so don't spend those years battling your weight up and down because at the end, you'll just be left with a bunch of saggy skin.
One good about this lady is that she has found a smart and seemingly soon-to-be accomplished man who like plus-sized ladies like her.
Nice, because he knows he's going to be making lots of money and will therefore get his pick of women (which is why men want to make a lot of money in the first place), but has chosen a whiny, immature, chubby gal like her. It's inspiring and gives the rest of us hope.
Also, she did the classic ugly girl move when she's really not that ugly: breast enlargments. Usually when I see a woman with fake tits, I look at her face really closely and sure enough, there it is: A nose that's too large or crooked, a smile and lips that are really bad, horrible teeth, eyes that are placed too far apart on too narrow a head, a narrow jaw with a narrow, pointed and unflattering chin, or any combination of these, etc. Basically, I can see why they would enhance their chests in an effort to get people too look away from their faces. But this woman's flaws aren't that obvious despite her mentioning that she has a big nose. I disagree. She's not pretty, but her nose isn't that big.
The funniest thing I saw this season on the "Amazing Race" was the Latina/Arabian girl that told Rachel Reilly (pictured above), very matter-of-factly, that you're supposed to get the nose
job before the boob job. The woman giving this advice was the most average looking Latina I
have ever seen, so if she has spent any money to look so extraordinarily average, perhaps
it would have been better spent  on an education. Silly Apes.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oprah's Big Mistake With her new Channel OWN

 So, let's just get it out of the way: Yes, I am an Oprah fan. I don't care how silly or senitmental or roll-your-eyes at her new-agey, law of attraction, hippie-dippy sorta expositions you agree or disagree with. The woman has done more to promote literacy and living a life filled with less (bullshit)stuff and more meaning than anyone I can think of, EVER. She's made her own money and way, not by fucking some rich man, or scheming or selling black women European beauty: She's made it by showing the world who she is, and if you can't at least respect that, then you suck. Simple as that.
  Now that that is out of the way, more has to be said. Her new channel, OWN is faultering and here's why: pepolel love Oprah because of her generosity, honesty and openness. People want to be a part of what and who she is, but not actually BE her......To explain: people want the free yoga mats and delicious healthy foods she hands out on the show, but they don't want or have the motivation to go out and do the work it takes to come to the conclusions that those things would acutally be healthy for them. OWN has some quality programming, some of which was incredible, like the "Master Class" series, but a lot of it was fluff: following around celebrities we no longer care about, and trying to re-invent celebrities that have been controversial in the past.

   And it's a shame: she had an eye for Dr. Phil, Suze Orman, and Nate Berkus and others, why didn't they come to her network or why couldn't she scour the country to find others like them? She's got her own studio and there are tons of undervalued writers and playrights and actors out there (espeically black ones) that have virtually no other avenues, why not invite them to write original material, give people a chance who wouldn't normally have one, and see what sticks? If the Lifetime network can use the same "woman is wronged, woman gets revenge" formula for just about every single movie every single weekend, and STILL maintain a strong woman viewership, I don't see why Oprah couldn't do something similiar, but with a mroe experimental feel.
  I was never for Oprah leaving her show and ending it, I thought it was a bad idea, but I also saw the opportunity for something new and quality to finally be presented on tv. I was sorely disappointed with what she did come up with.....who the hell was/is her audience with that programming? The programming seemed like it was trying to please too many people, all at once. Why not stick to the midwestern housewives who've been her staple audience since forever and do dieting shows, inspirational shows, cooking shows, makeover shows, and a few innovative and spiritual shows thrown in, for good measure? She reads so much and buys book rights in a minute, there's tons of books out there she could buy the rights to and have made into a movie in a matter of weeks, wonderous stories people have never even heard of.
 (Personally, I'd be excited to see the budget she could put behind a good sci-fi/fantasy production because let's face it, the SyFy networks sucks super hard and has left fans of that genre, like moi, itching for our next fix which looks like the next best thing is going to be "Snow White and the Huntsman" only ruined by the amount of violence that seems to have been added just to attract a wider audience. NOTE TO STUDIOS: adding more violence in the place of wonder, adventure, excitement, true heroism, magic, bravery, breath-taking imagined places and incredible costumes, is a fucking cop-out move that doesn't fool us folks who truly love the fantasy genre and aren't mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging 6-pack chugging neaderthanls waiting for some blood to spurt from someone's orifice in order to keep our attention on the plot that is being developed.)

  The network may work out the kinks, but I still have faith that Oprah will bring us something amazing and hopefully revolutionary, the likes of which we'e never seen before in network television as more and more of us are tuning out and tuning into free, super creative and oringial web content.