Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dumb Bitches: Terrell Owens' Babies' Mamas

 This kind of stuff sickens me .
Was watching Dr. Phil the other day and Terrell had three women on there who were all complaining that he didn't spend enough time with his children, that he wasn't a real dad.
Now, I"m not a fan of Dr. Phil. He doesn' really give the "straight talk" he brags about doing, and never makes people face their very obvious and difficult issues. How anyone can walk away feeling helped by this man is beyond me, and besides my point.
  The three baby mammas on his show were such idiotic and self-righteous bitches that it wasn't even funny, entertaining or even a good learning experience. These three different women presented themselves as mature and responsible women who were doing the right motherly thing, doing everything right in raising their kid, but were only missing the fatherly component in their childs' life.
   These women bashed Terrell Owens and had the nerve to call him a bad father. I've noticed this on nearly every single talk show there is, even Teen Mom: women who don't have much going for themselves, getting pregnant by a boyfriend they barely know, and then putting the onus on the man to make everything better.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
 Basically, these women have babies so they can hide behind the task of "being a mom" in order not to do anything for themselves or with their lives, and then when they are old and fat, want to pretend that they just want and have always wanted a family and a normal life. NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR AT ALL!

One of the baby mama's was so ugly and fat I couldn't even believe it. Her child was just a few years old which means that she went downhilll REAL quick to be looking the way she did. I'm struggling to pay my bills, and yet a woman who is that ugly can walk down the street and snag a man who's lifetime earnings total nearly $70million??? seriously? She got pregnant 2 months  after being with him after he had left another woman who was already 2 months pregnant. Now, what does that say about her and really wanting a good father for her child????
 First of all, nasty, second of all, you can't get pregnant  by someone that quickly and claim that  you weren't trying to be a golddigger.
Ladies, stop being such dipshits!! We see right through you! The truth is, if you really wanted a "family" as you now claim now that you are old and washed up, YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A REAL COMMITTMENT FROM THE MAN BEFORE HAVING HIS KIDS!!!!!!!!! LIVING TOGETHER DOESN"T COUNT!!!  DAMN, I don't understand what is so hard about that. If you want to fool around and fuck around without protection, and think it's easy to raise a kid on your own, go right ahead. (PS, the number one killer of black women in this country ages 18-35 is HIV/AIDS, just a thought.....)

 BUT, when the going gets rough, when you get old and your partying ways are gone, and you're jsut a little too tired and saggy to get any attention when you go out to the clubs, you don't get to go crying to the world about how you just want a happy life and family for your should have been thinking about that all along and more importantly, PLANNING FOR IT.

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